Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a specialized form of IVF, where a sperm is directly injected into an egg for fertilization. Much like traditional IVF, the female partner undergoes ovarian stimulation with the help of fertility medications to develop mature eggs. The mature eggs are retrieved as the sperm sample is processed and prepared by the embryologist for injection. This fertilization process mirrors that of natural conception, where the sperm swims to the egg, attaches and penetrates to create an embryo. However, in some cases the sperm cannot enter into the egg, so ICSI is required.

ICSI is considered in couples where:

  • Traditional IVF is unsuccessful with a low fertilization rate
  • Low sperm count or abnormal shaped sperm are present
  • There is unexplained infertility
  • The female partner has a limited number of eggs available

In cases where a man has significantly abnormal sperm parameters before beginning treatment, we suggest freezing a sperm sample for possible future use. In some cases, the sperm quality can deteriorate significantly over a short period of time. Having a backup frozen sample stored in our laboratory will ensure that an adequate specimen is available on the day of egg retrieval.

How successful is ICSI?

ICSI is successful in fertilizing 60-80% of eggs.

CReATe Fertility Toronto is one of Canada’s leading IVF centers and is supported by a specialized laboratory to assist patient outcomes. If you have any questions about ICSI, have a discussion with your physician at CReATe West Fertility.